The "Carreras Ltd: History of Army Uniforms" cigarette card series is a captivating collectible set that showcases the evolution of military uniforms across different eras and countries. Produced by Carreras Ltd, a prominent British tobacco company, this series was part of their efforts to engage and educate the public through beautifully illustrated cards. Each card in the series depicts a detailed and colorful illustration of a soldier in full uniform from various armies around the world, spanning different periods in military history.
From ancient warriors to modern soldiers, the "History of Army Uniforms" cards highlight the changing designs, styles, and functions of military attire, reflecting advancements in technology, tactics, and cultural influences. The back of each card provides informative descriptions, including details about the specific era, nation, and the role of the uniform depicted.
Released during the early to mid-20th century, these cards were not only a fun and educational inclusion with cigarette packs but also a way to foster public interest in military history. Today, they are highly sought after by collectors of vintage tobacco cards and military memorabilia, valued for their artistry, historical significance, and the rich visual record they offer of army uniforms through the ages.